When Do Kids Start Losing Teeth? Age Guide

When Do Kids Start Losing Teeth?

Losing baby teeth is a big step in a child’s growth. Parents often ask, “When do kids start losing teeth?” Kids usually lose their first tooth around 6 years old. But, it can start as early as 4 or as late as 7.

By 12, most kids will have lost all 20 baby teeth. This makes room for their adult teeth. The first teeth to go are usually the two lower front teeth, followed by the upper ones.

Knowing when kids lose teeth helps parents understand their child’s dental growth. It’s important to remember that losing teeth at different times is normal. Regular dental visits are key for healthy teeth. Good dental care and a healthy diet also help with the change to adult teeth.

The Timing of Child Tooth Loss

Child tooth loss timing varies, making it key for parents to know when kids lose baby teeth and spot toddler dental milestones. Kids usually start losing baby teeth around 6 years old, but it can be earlier or later. Each child is different, leading to varied tooth loss times.

Typical Age for Losing Baby Teeth

Kids have 20 primary teeth, all replaced by permanent ones by age 12. Losing baby teeth starts with the front teeth, around 6 to 7 years old. Then, the sequence continues with:

After losing baby teeth, kids get 32 permanent teeth. Adult teeth start coming in around 6 years old, starting the change. This follows a specific sequence of tooth loss, helping with dental growth.

Sequence of Tooth Loss

Tooth loss usually follows the order in which teeth are lost. After losing front teeth, kids might lose side teeth, canines, and first and second molars. Some kids might lose teeth early or have a tooth fallout due to dental issues or accidents. This can lead to a permanent tooth coming in early.

Watching the timing of child tooth loss helps spot any teeth alignment problems early. Regular dental visits can guide and protect against issues, making sure the switch to adult teeth is smooth.

When Do Kids Start Losing Teeth? Key Milestones and Signs

Parents and kids can spot signs of teeth falling out as part of dental growth. Spotting these signs early helps everyone. Knowing the milestones in tooth development helps parents know what’s next in this exciting phase.

Signs of Incoming Tooth Loss

Signs that a child might lose baby teeth include a tooth becoming loose. This is something both kids and parents can feel. Other signs are:

Telling kids to watch how they feel during this time can ease their concerns. This stage is key to their dental growth, and reassurance is crucial.

Key Milestones in Tooth Development

Knowing when to expect baby teeth to fall out is important. Here are the main milestones:

Regular dental check-ups and good oral hygiene support healthy dental growth. Knowing these milestones helps parents keep track of their child’s tooth loss journey.

Type of Tooth Age of Loss (Approx.)
Lower Central Incisors 6 years
Upper Central Incisors 6-7 years
Upper and Lower Lateral Incisors 7-8 years
Canines and First Molars 9-11 years
Second Molars 10-12 years


Parents need to understand when and how children lose their baby teeth. Most kids get 20 baby teeth, starting to lose them around age 6. But, some might lose their first tooth as early as 4, while others wait until they are 8 or 9. This difference is normal, with the front teeth usually coming out first.

Parents should look out for signs like loose teeth and gaps. Keeping an eye on these changes helps children smoothly move through this phase. Taking kids to the dentist regularly is key, especially if they lose teeth early or not at all by age 7 or 8. Also, teaching kids to brush and floss twice a day helps their oral health during this time.

Knowing about children’s tooth development and talking to dental experts helps parents guide their kids. This period can be exciting but also a bit tough. By setting a good foundation for healthy teeth and gums, kids will be set for a lifetime of good oral health.


When do kids start losing teeth?

Kids usually start losing their baby teeth around 6 years old. Some might lose them as early as 4, or as late as 7.

What is the sequence of primary teeth falling out?

The first teeth to go are the lower central incisors. Then, the upper central incisors, lateral incisors, canines, and lastly, the molars and premolars.

How can I tell if my child is about to lose a baby tooth?

Look for signs like a tooth becoming loose, gaps between teeth, and teeth shifting into the empty space.

Why is it important to regularly visit the dentist during tooth loss?

Going to the dentist regularly helps check on your child’s teeth health. It deals with early tooth loss issues and makes sure permanent teeth come in right.

What milestones should I look for in my child’s dental development?

Watch for the first baby teeth at 6 months, all 20 primary teeth by 3 years, and tooth loss starting at 6 years. This marks the start of permanent teeth coming in.

How many permanent teeth will my child have?

By 12 years old, most kids will have lost all baby teeth. This makes room for 32 permanent teeth.

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