35 Types of Punctuation Marks & Typographical Symbols

35 Types of Punctuation Marks & Typographical Symbols

You’ve been using punctuation marks your whole life without even thinking about it. Commas, periods, and question marks are like old friends that you see everyday. But how well do you really know them? There are actually dozens of different punctuation marks, some that you use all the time and others that you’ve probably never heard of.

In this guide, we’ll explore 35 different types of punctuation marks and typographical symbols. You’ll learn the names and functions of everything from commas to ellipses to dashes. You’re going to learn about punctuation you never knew existed. By the end of this guide, you’ll be able to identify everything from brackets to bullets and hyphens to slashes.

What is Punctuation?

Punctuation marks are symbols that help clarify meaning and structure in written language. They guide readers through text, indicating pauses, emphasis, and separating sentences or clauses. Punctuation marks are like road signs that guide readers through your writing. They separate sentences, clauses and words to clarify meaning and direct the flow.

Common examples include:

How many types of punctuation are there?

Technically, there’s no definitive number; new symbols emerge as language evolves.

Are punctuation rules set in stone?

Not really. Guidelines exist, but writing is an art. Good writers know when to bend or break the rules for style or effect. As long as you’re clear and consistent, you’re golden.

Punctuation allows writers to enhance clarity and expression in their work. Punctuation brings clarity and rhythm to the written word.

Importance of Punctuation Marks

Without punctuation, reading would be a confusing mess! These little marks provide crucial signposts, making it easier to understand the writer’s intended tone and meaning. These are some of the importance of punctuation marks:

Clear Communication

Proper punctuation makes writing clear, precise and easy to understand. Commas, periods, and question marks guide the reader through sentences by signaling pauses, stops and inquiries.

Convey Tone and Emotion

Exclamation points (!) add excitement or emphasis. Question marks (?) encourage curiosity. Dashes (–) create dramatic pauses. Using them thoughtfully conveys your intended tone.

Avoid Confusion

Without punctuation, meaning gets muddled. For instance: “Let’s eat, Grandma” vs “Let’s eat, Grandma.” Commas make a big difference!

Follow Grammar Rules

Many grammar rules rely on punctuation, such as using apostrophes for possession and contractions. Following these rules makes you a better writer.

Clarify Relationships

Colons (:) and semicolons (;) link related ideas and lists. They organize thoughts for a smooth reading flow.

Set Off Information

Parentheses ( ) and dashes — like this — set apart supplemental information to avoid interrupting the main point.

Indicate Quotations

Quotation marks (” “) signal direct speech or borrowed text, giving proper credit. They’re essential for citing sources accurately.

Create Structure

Section dividers like asterisks (*), number signs (#), and underscores (_) visually organize content, especially in digital writing.

What is a Typographical Symbol?

The term typographical symbol refers to a character or symbol that is not classified as a punctuation mark but can nonetheless be used in writing for a variety of purposes. Typographical symbols are normally avoided in formal writing in most cases.

These are marks and characters beyond basic letters and numbers. Things like paragraph signs (¶), dingbats (✦), math symbols (∑), and more. Typographic symbols add visual flair and emphasis. They help break up text or highlight key points. Some have specific meanings, like the section symbol (§) indicating divisions of a document.

As you read more, keep an eye out for unique symbols. See if you can identify their purposes. With practice, using typographical symbols will feel natural, adding personality to your writing.

Importance of Typographical Symbols

Typographical symbols are like a secret language for designers and publishers. They add visual flair and convey meaning through symbols rather than words alone. These are some of the importance of Typographical Symbol:

Enhance Readability

Typographical symbols enhance text readability by visually separating words, sentences, and ideas. Periods, commas, and semicolons create pauses. Dashes and parentheses provide additional context.

Convey Tone & Emotions

Symbols like exclamation points, question marks, and ellipses convey tone and emotions. An exclamation point adds emphasis or excitement! Question marks invite curiosity or skepticism. Ellipses suggest a lingering thought…

Indicate Relationships

Symbols indicate relationships between words, phrases, and clauses. Apostrophes show possession; hyphens join compound words; slashes present alternatives or fractions. Mastering these symbols is key.

Organize Information

Bullets, numbers, and other symbols organize lists, outlines, and other formatted content. This logical structure aids skimming and comprehension.

Add Clarity

Brackets, virgules, accents – these typographic details add clarity. Brackets provide parenthetical asides; virgules separate items; accents indicate proper pronunciation.

Transcribe Speech

Certain symbols transcribe spoken language, like ellipses for pauses… and accent marks for foreign words, like résumé or naïve.

Cite Sources

Quotation marks, asterisks, and other reference marks properly cite sources, giving credit where due while avoiding plagiarism.

Indicate Quantity

Percent and numerical symbols like # accurately indicate quantities, measurements, and math operations when combined with numbers.

Types of Punctuation Marks and their Uses

Punctuation marks are like the unsung heroes of language. You know they’re there, doing their job, but you rarely stop to appreciate their impact. These little symbols pack a punch, shaping how we read and understand text.

Period (.)

The period, or full stop (.), is one of the most common punctuation marks. It indicates a full stop or pause at the end of a sentence.

Use a period when you want to end a sentence that is a statement. You’ll use it in almost every sentence you write! Just think of it as the punctuation equivalent of taking a breath. Always put one space after a period before starting a new sentence.

Example of Sentences With Periods .

Question mark (?)

The question mark (?) is a punctuation mark used to indicate a direct interrogative sentence, in other words, a question. It lets the reader know that the preceding statement or phrase is posed as a query requiring a response.

Use a question mark at the end of any direct question. Indirect questions don’t require question marks.

Example of Sentences With Question Marks ?

The primary function of the question mark is to transform a statement into an inquiry. It signals to the reader that a response or answer is expected based on the phrasing of the sentence. Essentially, it helps clarify the intent behind the communication.

Comma (,)

A comma (,) is a punctuation mark that separates parts of a sentence. It creates a brief pause or indicates a separation of ideas within a sentence.

Use a comma when joining two independent clauses with a coordinating conjunction like and, but, or so. Commas separate items in a list or address elements like city and state.

Place a comma before coordinating conjunctions in compound sentences. Use commas after introductory words or phrases. Commas set off nonrestrictive clauses or phrases.

Examples of Sentences With Commas ,

By properly using commas, you create a natural flow and clarity in your writing. They guide the reader through the sentence structure effortlessly.

Exclamation Mark (!)

An exclamation mark (!) is a punctuation mark indicating strong emotion, emphasis or an outcry. It’s like screaming your sentence out loud!

Use an exclamation mark to express excitement, anger, surprise or to convey a sense of urgency. But don’t overdo it; too many can seem aggressive or immature.

Example of Sentences With Exclamation Marks !

With its loud, expressive nature, the exclamation mark packs a punch. Use it wisely to really make your statements stand out.

Colon (:)

A colon (:) is a punctuation mark that looks like two periods stacked on top of each other. It’s often used to introduce lists, explanations, quotes or to join two related sentences.

Use a colon before a list, explanation, quotation, or to connect two closely related sentences. It signals that what comes next is directly related to the first part.

Example of Sentences With Colons :

Semicolon (;)

The semicolon (;) is a powerful punctuation mark that allows you to link closely related independent clauses without using a conjunction like ‘and.’ In a single sentence, it creates a subtle pause and elegantly separates two complete thoughts.

Use a semicolon when you want to join two independent clauses that could stand alone as sentences. It’s perfect for establishing a clear connection between closely related ideas.

Example of Sentences With Semicolon ;

With the semicolon’s versatility, you can craft smooth transitions and emphasize relationships between statements, a must-have for concise yet impactful writing.

Hyphen (-)

A hyphen (-) is a punctuation mark that’s primarily used to join words or parts of words. It’s that little horizontal line you see in phrases like “well-known” or “re-open”. Pretty simple, right?

Hyphens are handy for forming compound words and clarifying prefixes. Use them when combining words into one adjective before a noun (e.g., a well-known author). They also help avoid confusion with re-words like re-evaluate.

Example of Sentences With Hyphens –

By using hyphens properly, you’ll make your writing clear and readable. Just don’t over-hyphenate, or your text could look cluttered.

En dash (–)

The en dash (–) is a versatile punctuation mark that’s slightly wider than a hyphen. It’s used to mark ranges, connections, and opposites.

Use an en dash to show a span or range of values like dates, times, or numbers. It also connects compound adjectives and can substitute for words like “to” or “versus.”

Examples of Using an En Dash –

With its clean look and multiple uses, the en dash is a typographic superstar! Just remember its specific spacing rules.

Em dash (—)

An em dash (—) is a versatile punctuation mark that creates a strong break in a sentence. It’s longer than a hyphen and more emphatic than commas, colons or parentheses.

Em dashes have multiple uses, which include the following:

Use em dashes sparingly for maximum impact. Overuse makes writing cluttered and hard to follow.

Example of Sentences With Em dash —

With its dramatic flair, the em dash adds punch when used judiciously in writing. Just don’t go overboard—a little goes a long way!

Square Brackets []

Square brackets [] are a type of punctuation mark used to enclose words, phrases or numbers to provide additional context or information. They are often used to add commentary, clarification, or to set something apart from the main text.

Use square brackets when you need to:

Examples Using Square Brackets []

With their ability to provide context, square brackets are indispensable for clarifying quotes, adding commentary, and ensuring accuracy when reproducing text verbatim.

Inverted Exclamation (¡)

The inverted exclamation mark (¡) is a punctuation symbol used to begin interrogative and exclamatory sentences in written Spanish or other related languages. It’s placed before exclamatory sentences or phrases to indicate a tone of exclamation, surprise or strong emotion is coming.

You’ll use the ¡ symbol before any exclamatory sentence in Spanish. Place it right before the first word, with no space between.

Here are 5 examples of how to use Inverted Exclamation ¡ properly

The inverted style helps readers identify the exclamatory tone right from the start. It’s a useful convention that adds clarity to written Spanish.

Parentheses ()

Parentheses () are curved punctuation marks used to enclose supplemental information, explanations, translations, examples or commentary within a sentence. They allow you to provide additional details without changing the main flow of the text.

Use parentheses when you want to:

Example of Sentences With Parentheses ()

Curly brackets {}

Curly brackets { } are punctuation marks used to group or contain items. They are tall, curved brackets that look a bit like squiggly parentheses.

You use curly brackets in programming, math, and specialized notation systems. In programming, they group code statements together into blocks. In math, they denote sets or represent special operations.

How to Use Curly Brackets

Examples of Curly Brackets {} in Sentences

Angle brackets <>

Angle brackets <> are punctuation symbols used to enclose text, characters or markup tags. They are common in programming, URLs, math/science notation and more.

These brackets function as container symbols. Use them to:

Examples of Angle Brackets <> in Sentences

Apostrophe (‘)

An apostrophe (‘) is a punctuation mark that serves two main purposes: showing possession or indicating omitted letters in a contraction. It’s a tiny, curled mark that packs a big punch!

To show ownership or possession, add an apostrophe + ‘s’ to a singular noun (the boy’s ball) or just an apostrophe after a plural noun ending in ‘s’ (the girls’ toys). Pretty simple!

Contractions smash two words together, replacing omitted letters with an apostrophe (‘s for is, ‘d for had, etc). They’re super common in casual speech and writing.

Examples of Apostrophe ‘ in Sentences

So apostrophes are versatile little critters; use ’em correctly for clearer, more natural-sounding writing!

Quotation marks (“”)

Quotation marks (” “) are punctuation marks used to identify words that someone else said or wrote. They set off direct quotations from a person’s speech or written text.

Use quotation marks anytime you are directly quoting someone’s exact words, whether it’s speech or written material. This shows you aren’t paraphrasing but providing their verbatim statement.

Examples of Quotation marks ” ” in Sentences

Slash (/)

The slash (/), also known as a forward slash or virgule, is a punctuation mark that serves multiple purposes. It’s commonly used to separate alternatives, indicate fractions or divisions, or create abbreviations.

Use slashes to:

Examples of Slash / in Sentences

With its versatility, the slash allows you to neatly convey multiple concepts in just one character. When used properly, it enhances clarity and concision.

Ellipses (…)

Ellipses (…) are three-spaced periods used to indicate an omission of words or to create a pause for suspense or emphasis. They show words or sentences left out on purpose.

Use ellipses when quoting someone to show you’ve omitted words from the original quote. They also create dramatic pauses…building anticipation for what’s next.

Examples of Ellipses … in Sentences

Ellipses are versatile punctuation marks for skipping words or creating suspense. Use them intentionally for maximum impact in your writing.

Types of Typographical Symbols and Their Uses

Typographical symbols are everywhere! You see them daily when reading books, browsing websites, or even just texting friends.

Formatting symbols such as bold, italics and bullet points allows writers to emphasize key points and organize content. Things like dashes, asterisks and numbers serve similar purposes.

Behind the scenes, more obscure typographical symbols tell software how to display text correctly. They may be invisible to you, but these encoding marks are vital for digital documents and webpages to render properly across devices.

Ampersand (&)

An ampersand (&) is a typographic symbol that looks like a curly “et” ligature. It’s derived from the Latin word “et”, meaning “and”. In English, we use it to mean “and” as a conjunction between words or abbreviations.

The ampersand serves two main functions:

Examples of Ampersand & in Sentences

Use the ampersand sparingly in formal writing, as it’s considered informal. But it’s perfect for social media, texts, product names, and creative branding!

Asterisk (*)

An asterisk (*) is a typographic symbol or glyph that resembles a tiny star. It’s one of the more common punctuation marks used in writing.

You’d use an asterisk to:

Examples Using Asterisks *

Here are five example sentences using asterisks correctly:

Asterisks are handy little symbols that add clarity and emphasis. Use them wisely in your writing!

Pound symbol (#)

The pound symbol (#), also known as the hash symbol or the number sign, is a typographical symbol that looks like a hash mark or a square mesh. It consists of two vertical parallel lines crossed by two horizontal parallel lines.

The # symbol has multiple uses in various contexts:

Here are a few example sentences using Pound symbol # correctly

Tilde (~)

The tilde (~) is a squiggly typographical symbol or punctuation mark that resembles a curvy or wavy line. It has various uses in writing, programming, and other applications.

You’d use a tilde in informal writing to indicate an approximation, similarities, or rough ideas. In programming and computing, it represents a specific directory or has other technical functions.

Here are 5 example sentences using the Tilde Symbol ~ correctly

With its versatility across writing styles and technical applications, the humble tilde packs a multifaceted punch despite its small, squiggly appearance.

Caret symbol (^)

The caret symbol (^) is a punctuation mark that looks like a little tent or roof. It’s often used to indicate superior or superscript text, characters that should appear slightly above the normal line of text.

You’ll see the ^ symbol used most frequently in mathematical equations, linguistic notations, and proofreading marks. It signals an instruction or indicates how something should be formatted.

Simply insert the ^ before the character or text you want to be raised above the line. No spaces are needed.

Examples of caret symbol ^ in Sentences

The caret’s a subtle symbol, but it’s super handy for elevating your writing, literally! Use it wisely, and your text will stand out in all the right ways.

Bullet Point (•)

A bullet point (•) is a typographical symbol used to introduce items in an unordered list. It draws the reader’s attention to each individual point without prioritizing one over the other.

Use bullet points when you want to present a set of parallel thoughts, steps, or examples in a clear, skimmable format. They’re perfect for lists that don’t require numerical ordering.

Simply start each point on a new line and preface it with the bullet symbol (•). Keep the points concise yet descriptive. Maintain a parallel structure for a clean look.

Examples of Bullet points • in Sentences

Bullet points (•) are versatile punctuation marks that enhance readability and organization in your writing.

At symbol (@)

The @ symbol, pronounced as “at” or “commercial at”, is a typographic character with a unique looping shape. It originated as a scribal abbreviation for the Latin preposition “ad”, meaning “toward” or “by”.

The main function of the @ symbol is to separate the username from the domain/server name in email addresses (e.g. name@email.com). It’s also used on social media to mention or tag other users. You’ll find it on keyboards, smartphones, and anywhere involving electronic communication.

Examples of At symbol @ in Sentences

With its distinct looping shape and widespread usage, the indispensable @ symbol has become iconic in the digital age for email, social media, and electronic communication.

Backslash (\)

The backslash (\) is a unique typographical mark used mainly in computing. Use a backslash when you need to insert special characters, escape sequences, or override formatting in plain text or code. It signals that the following character should be treated literally, not as part of a code.

Examples of Backslash \ in Sentences

The backslash is an essential tool for precisely controlling text output across programming languages, markup, and plain writing.

Pipe symbol (|)

The pipe symbol (|) is a vertical line character used for various functions in computing and writing. It acts as a delimiter, separating different elements or options.

You’ll find the pipe symbol on your keyboard, usually on the same key as the backslash (). Use it between words, numbers or commands to indicate alternatives or choices.

Examples of Pipe symbol | in Sentences

The pipe neatly separates different possibilities in a compact, readable way. Its usage enhances clarity in computing, writing and various other contexts.

Registered Trademark (®)

A registered trademark (®) is a legal symbol that indicates a word, phrase, logo or design is officially registered and protected under trademark law. It signifies that no other company can use that mark to represent their products or services.

You can only use the ® symbol after your trademark has been officially registered with the appropriate government trademark office. Place it immediately next to your trademarked word or logo on marketing materials, packaging, websites, or anywhere your brand appears.

Examples of Registered Trademark Symbol ® in Sentences

Copyright (©)

The copyright symbol (©) signifies that a work is protected by copyright law. It alerts others that reproducing or using the work without permission could lead to legal consequences.

You should include the copyright symbol on any original creative works you produce, such as writings, music, artwork, etc. Place it near the title or your name as the creator.

Examples of Copyright Symbol © in Sentences

Following copyright laws by using the © symbol properly protects your hard work from unlawful copying or distribution. It establishes your ownership over the intellectual property.

Double Dagger (‡)

The double dagger (‡) is a proofreader’s mark that indicates a comment or annotation in the margin. Think of it as a subtle way to highlight something without being too distracting.

Use the double dagger when you need to draw attention to a specific part of the text. It’s great for adding notes, citations, or additional context.

Place the double dagger symbol immediately after the word or phrase you want to reference. Then, add your note or comment in the margin next to the corresponding symbol.

Examples of Double Dagger Symbols ‡ in Sentences

The double dagger is a handy proofreading tool that lets you annotate text cleanly and precisely.

Dagger (†)

The dagger symbol (†) is a typographical mark used to call out a footnote or annotation. It resembles a small cross or plus sign.

You insert the dagger where you want to reference additional information. Then, at the bottom of the page, you reprint the symbol and include the supplementary content. Use the dagger when you need to provide an explanatory note or citation without distracting from the main text. It’s handy for academic papers, legal documents and fact-dense writing.

Examples of Dagger Symbol † in Sentences

By adhering to proper usage, the dagger enhances clarity and credibility in formal writing. Just be judicious with footnotes so you don’t overwhelm readers.

Degree (°)

The degree symbol (°) represents units of plane angle measurement, indicating a fraction of one complete revolution. It’s a typographic mark that looks like a small circle or oval.

Use the degree symbol when writing about temperature, geographic coordinates, angles in geometry/math, or any other measurement of an angle or revolution. It clarifies the units being discussed.

Examples of Degree Symbol (°) in Sentences

The degree symbol clearly denotes angular units in contexts like temperatures, coordinates, geometry, and direction. Use it properly for precise technical writing.

Ditto (〃)

Ditto (〃) is a proofreading and typographical symbol used to indicate the word(s) above should be repeated. It’s a handy punctuation mark that avoids rewriting words, saving time and space.

Use ditto when you need to repeat the same word(s) from the line above. It prevents redundancy and makes the text more concise. Simply place the ditto symbol (〃) on the line where you’d normally rewrite the repeated word(s).

Examples of Ditto Symbol (〃) in Sentences

Ditto is a compact way to communicate repetition, saving ink and your sanity! Its unique symbol ensures your point comes across clearly.

Pilcrow (¶)

A pilcrow (¶) is a typographical character used to mark the start of a new paragraph. It’s a backwards P that resembles a stylized paragraph symbol.

You’d use a pilcrow when writing instructions, code samples or other technical documentation to explicitly show where new paragraphs begin. It helps break up text for readability.

Examples of Pilcrow Symbol ¶ in Sentences

Section (§)

The section sign (§) is a typographical symbol used to denote a section, division or paragraph in legal documents, technical writing and reference works. It visually separates and organizes different parts of a text.

Use the section symbol before a section number or heading or to refer to a specific clause or passage. It’s commonly seen in legal contracts, academic papers and technical manuals.

Examples of Section Symbol (§) in Sentences

The section sign neatly compartmentalizes information, making it easier to navigate dense content. Use it judiciously to enhance the reading experience.


And there you have it, 35 of the most common types of punctuation marks and typographical symbols you’ll encounter in your writing and reading. While it can seem daunting at first, a little practice goes a long way when it comes to using punctuation correctly. The key is to read your work aloud, pause at commas and periods, and pay attention to how the marks affect the flow and meaning. With time, you’ll develop an intuitive sense of when to use which punctuation. And if you’re ever unsure, you can always reference this guide! Proper punctuation takes your writing to the next level by improving clarity and impact.

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