Animals that Start with U; Listed with Facts & Pictures

Have you ever wondered what unusual animals start with the letter U? Well, get ready to discover some fascinating creatures you may not have heard of before! From the uakari monkey with its bright red face to the unicorn fish with a horn on its head, we’ll take you on a wild alphabet adventure. This menagerie of animals that start with U will surprise and delight you. We’ve rounded up facts, photos, and details on these unique beasts, many of which live in exotic locations across the globe. Some are endangered species you won’t spot in your own backyard. So let your curiosity run wild and get ready to meet amazing animals from Uaru Cichlid to Ulysses Butterfly.

Animals that Start with U

You might think there aren’t many animals whose names begin with the letter ‘U’. But get ready to be surprised! From the ubiquitous umbrellabird to the unique uakari monkey, these creatures are just as fascinating as their more common counterparts.

While not as well-known, ‘U’ animals are incredibly diverse. So keep an open mind as we uncover more of these underrated yet unbelievably unique animals.


A unicornfish

The unicornfish (Naso unicornis) is a tropical fish found in the Indo-Pacific oceans. Also called the bluespine unicornfish, it gets its name from the protruding horn-like projection on its head.

This oval-shaped fish has a slender body covered in small scales. Its distinct features include a long snout, a single horn-like spine near its eyes, and a deeply forked tail. Adults are typically brown or grayish with yellow fins.

Scientific Classification of Unicornfish

Fun Unicornfish Facts


The umbrellabird

The umbrellabird is a unique species found in tropical forests. With its distinctive crest resembling an open umbrella, it’s unlike any other bird you’ve seen. These birds have a striking black plumage, a long tail, and a powerful hooked bill. But their most defining feature is the umbrella-like semi-circular crest on their heads.

Scientific Classification of Umbrellabird

Fun Umbrellabird Facts

With its bizarre appearance and fascinating behaviors, the umbrellabird is a true avian wonder.


A uakari

The uakari (wuh-kaa-ree), also called the English monkey, is a stunning New World monkey found in the northwestern Amazon Basin. With a bright red face and bald head, the uakari stands out. Their short fur is reddish-brown, and they have long, shaggy tail. Males are larger, weighing around 7 lbs.

Scientific Classification of Uakari

Fun Uakari Facts

Uinta Ground Squirrel

The Uinta ground squirrel

The Uinta ground squirrel is a small, burrowing rodent native to the western United States. It’s scientifically known as Urocitellus armatus and belongs to the squirrel family Sciuridae.

These squirrels have reddish-brown fur on their backs and sides, with a white or pale underside. Adults measure around 12 inches long, including their furry tails. Their compact bodies and short legs are well-adapted for burrowing underground.

Scientific Classification of Uinta ground squirrel

Fun Facts about Uinta ground squirrel


The uguisu

The uguisu, also known as the Japanese bush warbler or the Japanese nightingale, is a small songbird found across Japan. With olive-brown feathers and a distinctive white eye ring, these petite birds measure only 5-6 inches long.

Scientific Classification of Uguisu

Fun Uguisu Facts


A urial

The urial is a wild sheep species found across parts of Central Asia. These stocky ungulates are renowned for their impressive curved horns and sturdy builds adapted to mountainous terrains.

Adult male urials typically stand around 90-100 cm tall and weigh between 50-120 kg. Their reddish-brown coats turn a pale tan during winter months. The distinguishing features are the thick horns that curve outwards in a circular spiral, measuring up to 100 cm long.

Scientific Classification of Urial

Fun Urial Facts

Uganda Kob

The Uganda kob

The Uganda kob is a slender, medium-sized antelope native to East Africa. These elegant creatures stand around 3-4 feet tall, with reddish-brown coats and distinctive white chevron markings on their backs.

Scientific Classification of Uganda kob

Fun Kob Facts

With their leggy frames and elegant markings, the kob is a true icon of the African savanna. These resilient bovids continue to roam the wetlands in sizable numbers.

Ulysses Butterfly

The Ulysses butterfly

The Ulysses butterfly (Papilio Ulysses) is a striking, large swallowtail butterfly found in Australia and surrounding regions. With its vibrant blue and black wings spanning up to 14cm, it’s a true beauty of nature.

Scientific Classification of Ulysses Butterfly

Fascinating Ulysses Facts


An urchin

An urchin is a small, spiny marine invertebrate that belongs to the echinoderm family. These unique creatures are also known as sea urchins. Sea urchins have a hard, spherical shell covered in movable spines. Their bodies consist of radially arranged plates with tube feet for locomotion. Colors range from shades of green, purple, black, and red.

Scientific Classification of Urchin

Fun Urchin Facts


An Urutu (Bothrops alternatus)

The urutu (Bothrops alternatus) is a venomous pit viper found in South America. This heavy-bodied snake has a triangular head and heat-sensing pits to detect prey. Its coloring ranges from brown to gray, helping it camouflage in leaf litter.

Scientific Classification of Urutu

Fascinating Urutu Facts

Uinta Chipmunk

Uinta chipmunk (Neotamias umbrinus)

The Uinta chipmunk (Neotamias umbrinus) is a species of chipmunk native to Utah and Wyoming in the United States. With reddish-brown fur on their backs and white stripes running along their sides, these little critters are quite the adorable sight.

Scientific Classification of Uinta Chipmunk

Captivating Uinta Chipmunk Facts


An Utonagan dog

The Utonagan dog, a mix of German Shepherd, Alaskan Malamute, and Siberian Husky, is wolf-like in appearance and has a sweet temperament. The Utonagan is a unique breed of dog that combines the striking looks of a wolf with the friendly temperament of a domestic canine. This “wolf-like” dog was purposefully bred to have the appearance and some characteristics of wolves while maintaining the loyal, affectionate nature of man’s best friend.

With a thick double coat, pointed ears and a long, curled tail, the Utonagan cuts an imposing figure. Their wolfish features include a long muzzle, almond-shaped eyes and a muscular body. Heights range from 24-32 inches at the shoulder, with weights between 65-115 lbs.

Scientific Classification of Utonagan

Fun Utonagan Facts

Ural Owl

An Ural owl (Strix uralensis)

The Ural owl (Strix uralensis) is a powerful bird of prey native to northern Europe and Asia. With its striking facial disk and piercing orange eyes, this medium-sized owl cuts an imposing figure.

Scientific Classification of Ural owl

Fascinating Ural Owl Facts

With its incredible adaptations and striking appearance, the Ural owl remains an icon of boreal forests.

Upland Sandpiper

The upland sandpiper (Bartramia longicauda)

The upland sandpiper (Bartramia longicauda) is a shorebird about the size of a pigeon. It has a small, brownish body and long yellow legs. These birds breed in open grassy areas across central North America.

Scientific classification of Upland sandpiper

Fun Upland Sandpiper Facts



This striking bird with a distinctive crown of feathers is known as the hoopoe (Upupa epops). With a slender, slightly curved bill and a long, pinkish-brown crest that can be raised and fanned out, the hoopoe cuts a unique figure.

Scientific classification of Upupa

Fascinating Hoopoe Facts

Umbrella Cockatoo

The Umbrella cockatoo

The Umbrella cockatoo is a unique and striking parrot species. These birds are instantly recognizable by their distinctive crest that fans out like an umbrella when excited or alarmed.

With striking white plumage and a curved beak, Umbrella cockatoos are medium-sized parrots. Their most distinguishing feature is the large crest of feathers on their heads that can open into an umbrella-like fan.

Scientific Classification of Umbrella cockatoo

Fun Umbrella Cockatoo Facts

Uaru Cichlid

The uaru cichlid (Uaru amphiacanthoides)

The uaru cichlid (Uaru amphiacanthoides), also known as the Dirico cichlid or the centroura cichlid, is a freshwater fish native to the Amazon Basin in South America.

These cichlids have a laterally compressed body with a deep profile. Their colors range from olive-green to brown on the upper body, fading to yellow or orange below. Distinctive black vertical bars run along their sides.

Scientific Classification of Uaru Cichlid

Fun Facts about Uaru Cichlid


Exploring the fascinating world of animals, beginning with U, uncovers the enormous diversity and unique adaptations of wildlife around the world. From the bright Uaru Cichlid to the elusive Uakari Monkey, each species exemplifies the limitless possibilities of nature waiting to be explored.

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