What are the Functions of Literature

You’ve probably read tons of books, stories, and poems growing up. Maybe you read them for a class assignment or just for fun. But have you ever really thought about why we have literature in the first place? What’s the point of making up fictional stories and worlds that don’t really exist? Believe it or not, literature actually serves some pretty important purposes in society.

In this article, we’ll explore the different functions of literature in society and in our lives. From entertainment to education, literature impacts us in ways you may not expect. We’ll look at how stories reflect and shape human culture across history. And we’ll discuss the surprising cognitive, emotional, and social benefits of diving into a good book. So keep reading to uncover the fascinating secrets behind this thing we call literature.

What is Literature?

Literature refers to creative writing that tells a story, explores human experiences, or evokes emotion in the reader. It comes in forms like poetry, novels, short stories, and plays. At its core, literature reflects the human experience and allows us to learn from characters and connect with stories. It can transport us to different times and places, exposing us to new ideas and cultures. Literature allows us to understand ourselves and make sense of the world around us.

Most importantly, literature expands our imagination and challenges us to see the world through different eyes. Next time you open the pages of a book, embrace the opportunity to step out of your own life for a while and learn what it’s like to walk in someone else’s shoes.

What are the Functions of Literature?

Literature serves several purposes. Beyond entertainment, it allows us to understand human nature and the human experience. Here are some of the functions of Literature:

Entertainment: Literature as a Form of Escape and Amusement

Literature allows us to escape from our everyday lives and enter an imaginary world. We can explore different times and places from the comfort of our favorite reading spot. A good story can transport us to a fantasy realm full of adventure or a historical period filled with romance and intrigue. Through the pages of a book, we are free to experience the lives of interesting characters and lose ourselves in an engaging plot. For a few moments, our own worries and responsibilities fade into the background as we immerse ourselves in a tale of fiction. This form of escapism and amusement has enduring appeal.

Education: How Literature Teaches Us About Life and the World

Literature exposes us to new ideas and helps us gain valuable insights into human nature. Through the experiences of characters, we can learn lessons about life and explore different perspectives without facing the consequences ourselves. Reading fiction, in particular, has been shown to increase empathy as we step into the shoes of complex, multi-dimensional characters.

Reading stories, poems, and plays allows us to gain insights into human nature and the complexities of life.Through the experiences of characters and poetic language, we can explore life’s deepest themes and gain a new perspective on familiar situations.

Social Commentary: Literature as a Reflection of Society and Tool for Social Change

Literature acts as a mirror reflecting the society and also as a tool to bring about social change. Authors often write about issues that affect people in their society. Their writing exposes problems like injustice, oppression, and hypocrisy.

Cultural Transmission: The Role of Literature in Preserving and Spreading Culture

Literature plays an essential role in transmitting culture across generations. Stories, poems, and plays capture the values and traditions of a society, preserving them for future generations. As young people read the literature of their culture, they learn cultural norms and beliefs.

For example, many fairy tales and fables teach children moral lessons and shape their understanding of good and evil. Religious texts like the Bible, Torah, and Quran pass down spiritual and ethical traditions. Epic poems like the Odyssey and Sundiata transmit cultural heroes and define a shared national identity.

In this way, literature acts as a time capsule, allowing ancient and distant cultures to live on through the words on the page. It spreads culture by sharing it with new groups of people in new places and times. Translating literature into other languages also spreads cultural influences around the globe.

Personal Growth: How Reading Broadens Perspectives and Promotes Self-Reflection

Reading literature exposes you to new ideas and perspectives that you may never encounter in your daily life. As you explore the inner lives of complex characters, you gain insight into different ways of thinking and being. These glimpses into other realities promote open-mindedness and expand your mental horizons.

You may find yourself identifying with characters very unlike yourself. This ability to empathize with diverse experiences cultivates compassion. At the same time, engaging stories often reflect some truth about human nature or the human condition. Recognizing these truths in fiction leads to a deeper understanding of yourself and others.

Emotional Release – Finding Catharsis Through Reading

Reading literature can be a powerful way to experience emotional release. By identifying with characters and becoming immersed in stories, you open yourself to experience a range of emotions. Tragedies and dramas can elicit feelings of sorrow or heartbreak, allowing you to purge negative emotions and find catharsis. Romantic tales of love and passion ignite warm, fuzzy feelings. Adventure stories provoke excitement and thrills.

Through reading, you can work through challenging emotions from a safe distance. This vicarious experience of emotions through literature provides an outlet to understand and process your own feelings. By joining characters on their journeys, you gain insight into human experiences beyond your own. Ultimately, literature has a way of stirring your soul and reminding you of your own humanity.

Language Development: Literature’s Role in Expanding Imagination and Expression

Literature plays an important role in developing language and expanding imagination. As you read, you encounter new words, phrases, and ways of using language that you can then incorporate into your own speech and writing. Reading exercises your mind, improves your vocabulary, and exposes you to new concepts and ideas.

Psychological Insights: Exploring the Human Condition Through Literature

Literature provides a window into human psychology and behavior. Stories, poems, and plays often depict characters grappling with complex emotions and life struggles that reflect the human experience.

Readers can gain insight into disorders or conditions like depression, anxiety, PTSD or OCD by analyzing characters. We see how mental health issues manifest in thought patterns, behaviors, and relationships. Literature also explores themes like identity, morality, and the meaning of life that shape human psychology.

Analyzing the motives and decisions of complex, multifaceted characters promotes empathy in readers. We are forced to consider situations from different perspectives. This fosters a deeper understanding of human nature and the forces that drive us.

In short, literature is a tool for understanding the human mind, heart and spirit. Exploring the human condition through the stories of others leads to greater self-awareness and compassion.

Universal Experiences – Exploring Shared Humanity Through Stories

Stories allow us to connect with others through shared experiences. Though fictional, they explore the human condition and evoke emotions we can all relate to joy, sorrow, love, heartbreak. We find ourselves in the characters and connect with their journey.

Through stories, we discover that despite our differences,we share common hopes, struggles and triumphs. We realize we are more alike than unalike. Stories transcend culture and time, linking us to our shared humanity. Though the specifics may differ, at their core they express universal themes – good vs evil, life and death, courage against adversity.

In stories we find empathy and understanding. We walk in another’s shoes and see through their eyes. We are transported to different times and places, gaining insight into the human experience. Though the settings and details change, the human heart remains the same. Stories remind us we are not alone in this world. Through them, we find connection.

Creative Expression: Literature as Artistic Works of the Imagination

Literature allows us to express ourselves creatively through artistic works of fiction. Authors can craft stories, poems, plays and more using their imagination. They have the liberty to develop complex characters, fantastical worlds and compelling plots. Through creative expression, they are able to elicit emotions in readers, transport them to different times and places, and share meaningful insights into human experiences.

Literature Helps Us to Understand Other Points of View

Literature allows us to understand different perspectives and points of view. It allows us to step into the shoes of complex characters with backgrounds and experiences different from our own. By seeing through the eyes of characters from various walks of life, we gain insight into how others may view and interpret the world around them. We can explore what shaped their perspectives and values. This fosters understanding and empathy, allowing us to broaden our minds.

Literature Helps Us to Learn New Facts

Literature helps us learn new facts by exposing us to knowledge and information about history, culture, society and human nature. Through stories, poems, and plays we can gain insights into how people lived and thought at different times. We discover details about how societies were structured, what values and beliefs different cultures held, and how daily life was lived.

Fiction, in particular, gives us a glimpse into how people interacted and communicated in different time periods. We learn the details of how they dressed, ate, worked and played. Non-fiction genres like biographies, essays and journalistic pieces can teach us facts about notable historical figures and events. Poetry uses creative language and metaphor to give us a sense of what life felt like to people of the past.

In short, literature opens a window to the world, allowing us to experience the lives of others through the power of imagination. We can gain knowledge and learn facts that would otherwise remain unknown to us. Our understanding of human nature and life in all its diversity becomes deeper and richer. Literature truly helps expand our minds.

Literature to Criticize the Society

Literature often reflects the values and conflicts of the society in which it is produced. Many well-known literary works were written to criticize aspects of society and highlight its flaws or shortcomings. By using creative works like novels, short stories, poems or plays, authors are able to provide social commentary on issues like injustice, corruption or hypocrisy in an engaging and thought-provoking way.

For example, Charles Dickens’ novels like Oliver Twist and A Christmas Carol emphasized the plight of the poor and the greed of the wealthy in Victorian England. More recently, Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale offered a dystopian take on gender inequality and restrictions on women’s rights. Literature that offers social criticism gives readers an opportunity to explore difficult topics and re-examine their own views and assumptions. Over time, these influential works can even help shape social attitudes and push society in a more progressive direction.


So in the end, literature serves some really important purposes for all of us. It gives us a way to make sense of the world around us, reflect on the human experience, stretch our imaginations beyond our own lives, connect with others through shared stories, and even provide an escape when we need it. No matter your taste in books, poems, plays or other literary works, there’s no doubt that engaging with them makes us all a little wiser, more empathetic, and maybe just a bit more human. Whenever you’re looking to learn, grow, or just be entertained, remember the power and potential of a great piece of literature.

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